Brown Aluminium Oxide

Brown Aluminium Oxide is fused in an electric–arc furnace by high temperature. Its main raw material are bauxite & anthracite. Brownish in colour, its chemical composition consists of Al203, a small mount of SiO2, TiO2 and Fe2O3, etc.

The micro hardness is 1800 to 2200 kg/m2 . The toughness is higher than silicon carbide. Abrasives articles made of it are suited for grinding metals malleable iron and hard high-class refractory products.


  • Cryogenically strong
  • Non Combustible
  • Non Toxic
  • Recyclable

Suitable for:

  • Blasting
  • Polishing
  • Lapping

Resources & Technical Information

Aluminium Oxide

Brown Aluminium Oxide

Brown AluminiumOxide.pdf